Building Regulations

The current building regulations are stated in the following Official Greek Government Gazettes (ΦΕΚ 2561/1952), ΦΕΚ 85Δ/1990, ΦΕΚ 302Δ/2009

Note: Each and every plot of land must cover a minimum designated area of 1,000 sqm.

▪ MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA = 40% (the total covered area on all floors of all buildings must be up to 400 sqm for every 1,000 sqm plot of land)

▪ PLOT FAÇADE = 15m minimum

▪ MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE = up to 25% for the first 1,000 sqm of land and 20% over 1,000 sqm land area

▪ BUILDING HEIGHT maximum = 7.50m + 2.00m for mandatory tile roof

▪ Minimum building line = 2.50m from side and rear boundaries

▪ Minimum building line from possible adjoining stream boundary = 20.00m

▪ Basement outline must not exceed the ground floor outline

▪ Only two blocks are to be erected on each 1,000 sqm plot of land

▪ The creation of PILOTIS is prohibited

▪ Land use = Approvals issued by the Archaeology Supervisory Authority, Aviation, and Architectural Committee

▪ Land use = exclusively residential